
Finding trustworthy vocational education

admin知识2024-09-30 01:40:46 8 8747
Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for vocational certificates, because of people's growing needs to obtain permanent residence, children's education, jobs and career promotion. As a result, many illegal organizations have emerged to train people and grant them fake certificates. People often find that after they invest a great deal of both money and time, what they get in the end is a useless certificate. It's suggested that before people go to a training center, they should check what certificates are officially recognized by the labor market, what the certificates look like, and the legitimacy of that training center. Experts also suggest that different industries strengthen self-discipline and create a healthy employment and training environment for employees to enhance their capability and competitiveness.



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