

Why US can't artificially rearrange chip supply chain to exclude China

休闲2024-09-29 19:30:54三旬九食网9981
Editor's Note:From banning chip supplies to China to seeking to artificially rearrange global supply ...
Editor's Note:

From banning chip supplies to China to seeking to artificially rearrange global supply chains to exclude China, the US has spared no effort in cracking down on China's chip industry. In the latest attempt, US President Joe Biden is expected to sign into law a recently passed bill known as the Chips and Science Act, aiming to lure global chip giants to set up plants in the US. The US' moves may sound good on paper, but they are grossly out of touch with the reality. Firstly, artificially reshuffling the closely intertwined global chip supply chain is not so easy - not without wreaking havoc globally. Also, China's role in the chip supply chain is not to be underestimated. This page is to show that.

Graphic: GT

Graphic: GT


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