Incentivizing staying at home

2024-09-29 21:20:52 · 娱乐

Illustrations: Xia Qing/GT

The Chinese New Year is approaching. Just like Christmas in the West, it is a time for Chinese to return to their hometown and families to welcome the New Year. However, in order to prevent the viral resurgence of the epidemic, China has rolled out measures to guide the public on their return trips, encouraging them to stay in cities where they work during the holidays. To stimulate more people to stay in their working cities, local authorities have introduced diverse incentive schemes. Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang Province, said non-residents of Zhejiang working in Hangzhou will receive 1000 yuan ($154) if they stay in this city during the holiday. Over 10 tourist attractions will be free of charge to migrant workers in the coming festival in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu Province. Returning home during the Spring Festival has been a centuries-long Chinese tradition. But at the moment, to secure our health and prevent from being infected should be the top priority. Separation with family this festival will usher in a better reunion later on.