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Netizens make way for infant at risk

作者:kqwy | 发布时间:2024-09-29 15:31:23收藏本文下载本文
Illustration: Xia Qing/Global Times

Illustration: Xia Qing/Global Times

On an ordinary afternoon this week, a message topped the list of trending topics on China's social media, mentioning only two car plate numbers. Just before Beijing's evening rush hour began, a seven-month-old baby with spinal muscular atrophy was taken in the ambulance with the mentioned plate number, accompanied by another, 3 minutes after arriving at Beijing West Station. As more people noticed the message and shared it on social media, a lifeline to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics was opened as cars made way for the ambulances. The journey, which normally takes 50 minutes, took just 16 minutes. This is the true meaning and power of public resources. It's a real-life display of Chinese people's respect for life and care for children. May the baby, rescued by the unity of his compatriots, recover and grow up with best wishes.
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